Tomato and Mackerel Curry, and instant curry recipe


Published: September 14, 2020

When I have a busy day or don’t know what to cook for dinner, there are some quick and easy dishes I would prepare, Cantonese chicken casserole, Chinese sausage clay pot rice, and curry. Though sometimes I would make curry with herbs and spices, I rely on curry sauce or curry cube more often. In this curry fish recipe, I use curry sauce from local brand. By comparison with usual Japanese curry cubes, curry sauce of local brands in Hong Kong tastes spicier. I think it is more suitable to cook with mackerel or similar fish that has fishy and rich flavour.

Read my other recipe with the same curry sauce – Stir-fried Curry Chinese Vermicelli with Ground Pork;
Read my other instant curry recipe – Instant Japanese Beef Meatball Curry Rice.

Ingredients – for 2 serving

  • Mackerel, 2, regular size;
  • Tomato, 2, large size
  • White onion, 1, medium size
  • Canned chickpeas, 1/2 cup
  • Curry sauce, 2tbsp
  • Chicken broth, 200ml
  • Cornstarch, 2tbsp
  • Chinese cooking wine, 2tbsp, or any rice wine
  • Salt and pepper

How to do –
1. Mackerel filleted, you could do it by yourself or ask fishmonger for help, or simply obtain mackerel fillet; I sometimes remove the very obvious big bones with tweezers but actually mackerel bones are soft and easy to be chewed; cut into big chunks; sprinkle 2tbsp of Chinese cooking wine, a nip of salt and pepper to season;

2. Onion finely sliced; tomato peeled and chopped into big cubes;

3. Heat 2tbsp of olive oil on pan; dust a thin layer of cornstarch on both sides of the fish chunks; pan-fry in medium high heat till golden;

4. In another pan or casserole, heat some olive oil, stir-fry the onion in medium high heat till carameled, removed from the pan; in the same pan, heat some olive oil again, stir-fry the tomato till amount reduced and colour deeper and richer; be patient, this step can concentrate most flavour from the onion and tomato;

5. Onion, chickpea, chicken broth, and 2tbsp of curry sauce on pan, mix well, bring to boil; put in the fried mackerel, lid on and simmer for 10 minutes in medium heat; have a taste and you might adjust with a little more salt and sugar;

6. Served with steamed rice.

用料 –

  • 鲭鱼 2条,中型
  • 番茄 2个,大
  • 洋葱 1个,中
  • 罐头水煮鹰嘴豆 半量杯
  • 咖喱酱 2汤匙
  • 鸡汤 200毫升
  • 料酒 2汤匙
  • 盐、黑胡椒、生粉

做法 –

  1. 鲭鱼去头去主骨,可以叫摊主帮忙解决;
  2. 咖喱酱我用的是这个牌子的,做粤式酱料的几个大品牌都有出咖喱酱,味道大同小异,用法多样,我之前的菜谱也有用到;
  3. 番茄去皮后切块,去皮能够更好的出汁;
  4. 为了方便吃,可以用镊子把明显的鱼骨去掉,鲭鱼的鱼骨是软的,我平时都可以咬着吃掉;切成大块;擦干表面水份,放2汤匙料酒、一点盐和黑胡椒腌渍一下;
  5. 入锅煎之前鱼两面扑上薄薄一层生粉;用中大火煎至两面金黄;
  6. 另开一个大炒锅,热锅放2汤匙橄榄油,把洋葱炒至焦糖化。炒的过程不要不断翻炒,等一面煎至金黄后再翻,直至把洋葱炒软炒至浅褐色,让洋葱的香味和甜味充分析出;出锅;
  7. 同一个锅,放2汤匙橄榄油,中大火把番茄炒至出汁,颜色变浓郁,炒的过程跟炒洋葱类似,不要过度翻炒。用油去炒番茄能够最大化析出茄红素,降低番茄的酸度。平时有时间的时候也可以用这个方式自制番茄酱;
  8. 把刚才的的洋葱回锅,放入鹰嘴豆、鸡汤、2汤匙咖喱酱,搅拌均匀并煮沸,尝味,味道应该刚好,或者按自己的喜好适当加糖和盐调味;
  9. 放入刚才煎好的鱼块,盖锅盖中火焖煮10分钟;汤汁应该刚刚好不需要大火收汁;
  10. 上桌后再撒一点现磨黑胡椒;饭是一半白米一半糙米的混合饭。

Tomato and Mackerel Curry, and instant curry recipe


Preparation time: 30mins
Serving: 2


mackerel 2

tomato 2

onion 1

canned chickpeas 1/2cup

curry sauce 2tbsp

chicken broth 200ml

cornstarch 2tbsp

Chinese cooking wine 2tbsp


1.Mackerel filleted, remove the very obvious big bones with tweezers; cut into big chunks; sprinkle 2tbsp of Chinese cooking wine, a nip of salt and pepper to season;

2.Onion finely sliced; tomato peeled and chopped into big cubes;

3.Heat 2tbsp of olive oil on pan; dust a thin layer of cornstarch on both sides of the fish chunks; pan-fry in medium high heat till golden;

4.In another pan or casserole, heat some olive oil, stir-fry the onion in medium high heat till carameled, removed from the pan; in the same pan, heat some olive oil again, stir-fry the tomato till amount reduced and colour deeper and richer;

5.Onion, chickpea, chicken broth, and 2tbsp of curry sauce on pan, mix well, bring to boil; put in the fried mackerel, lid on and simmer for 10 minutes in medium heat; have a taste and you might adjust with a little more salt and sugar;

6.Served with steamed rice.

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