Red Beans Dessert Soup with Mini Dango


Published: June 30, 2020

Red bean dessert soup is considered the most popular Cantonese tong-sui. Red beans are my kitchen essential. I usually have this dessert soup warm and in winter and chill it in summer. For sweetening, I use my recent favourite Okinawa black sugar.

As a ricecake lover. I like food with a chewy and soft texture, such as Chinese Tangyuan, Niangao, Japanese mochi. Garaetteok (Korean ricecake) is one of my fridge essential. Tasty mochi or any other types of ricecake should be made from steamed rice, being pounded into paste then shaped. Dango is a lot easier to make. It can be made from rice flour. Red bean soup with dango and shaved ice is the simplest summer afternoon treat.

This dessert is easy to prepare. I always prepare a big pot of red bean soup in fridge and mix the dough for Dango. Dango has to be eaten right after they are freshly poached. They can’t be keep in fridge overnight or they would turn firm because of the nature of rice four.

Read more of my other Dango recipes, Easy Homemade Black Sugar Dango, Japanese Glutinous Rice Ball in Sweet Soy Sauce

Ingredients – for 4 serving

  • Red beans/Adzuki beans, 200g
  • Glutinous rice flour, 80g
  • Wheat starch, 10g
  • Cornstarch, 10g. By adding a little wheat starch and cornstarch, dango wouldn’t be too sticky, but if it’s not easy to obtain, just simply use 100g of glutinous rice flour. Try making dango with glutinous rice flour and the combination of the three, to see which texture is your preference
  • Okinawa black sugar, 100-150g, depends if you would have the dessert with shaved ice. Look for Okinawa black sugar in Asian grocery stores but it’s okay if you can’t obtain, just use any sugar you have
  • Milk, 100ml
  • Sugar, 1tbsp
  • Water, 1L

How to do –
1. Red beans soaked in 3cups of water overnight; milk rest in room temperature;
2. Cook the beans with 1L of water in soup pot. Bring to boil then simmer in medium heat for 1 hour till the beans are tender and starchy. Beans in good quality can be easily cooked through;

3. Put in black sugar. Lid on and heat off, let it melt. Don’t put sugar in too early or the dessert soup will turn a little sour; chill the dessert soup in fridge;

4. Put the flour in a mixing bowl, seasoned with 1tbsp of sugar, mix, then mix in milk little by little, mix till lumpy, then knead into a smooth and moist dough. Adjust with a little more or less milk;

5. Take a small knot of dough and roll to small ball, big toenail size is the right size. Press with index finger in the middle of the dango;

6. Bring a pot of water to boil, put in dango, cook till they float to top, then pour in a cup of cold water, also bring to boil, once again till dango is cooked through. Drain and transfer them in icy water;

7. I like to serve it with a little shaved ice or ice cubes.


  • 红豆 200克
  • 糯米粉 80克
  • 澄面 10克
  • 太白粉 10克
  • 冲绳黑糖 100-150克
  • 牛奶 100毫升
  • 白糖 1汤匙
  • 水 1升


  1. 糯米粉里加一点澄面和太白粉的话团子不会太粘牙。也可以直接全部用糯米粉也没关系;没有冲绳黑糖的朋友也可以用普通的糖,但如果能买得到的话可以试试看,味道我很喜欢;红豆已经泡了一夜;牛奶放至常温;
  2. 红豆放入汤锅内,加1升水煮沸后转中火;泡过后的红豆一般半小时至一小时就能煮烂。如果是做广式红豆沙的话我会用汤勺把红豆压碎压出沙。但做这个日式的版本我会留完整的红豆粒;
  3. 红豆煮烂后放入黑糖,关火,用余温把糖融化。我配冰块吃所以放了150克糖,做得稍微甜一点;
  4. 现在来做团子。各种粉放入大碗内,糯米粉和澄面、太白粉的分量不需要太准确,以糯米粉为主,加1大勺澄面和1大勺太白粉。加1汤匙白糖调味,搅拌一下;
  5. 准备约100毫升常温牛奶,分几次倒入,用搅拌勺搅拌,再用手捏成团。不同种类的粉吸收水分的程度不一样,适当增减牛奶的分量,捏成的面团不沾手也不会轻易裂开;
  6. 揉成小丸子再用食指在中间压一下,大概做成约1寸长的大小,我觉得口感是最适合的;
  7. 煮沸一锅水,放入小丸子,煮至浮起后,再加半杯冷水,再煮至沸腾,加两次冷水,确保丸子煮熟;
  8. 煮好马上放入冰水内,可以放冰箱冰一下。红豆糖水做好后放冰箱,丸子可以在每次要吃之前再做;
  9. 配冰块、碎冰或刨冰吃。

Red Beans Dessert Soup with Mini Dango


Preparation time: 1h
Serving: 4


red beans 200g

glutinous rice flour 80g

cornstarch 10g

wheat starch 10g

Okinawa black sugar 150g

milk 100ml

sugar 1tbsp

water 1L


1.Red beans soaked in 3cups of water overnight; milk rest in room temperature;

2.Cook the beans with 1L of water in soup pot. Bring to boil then simmer in medium heat for 1 hour till the beans are tender and starchy;

3.Put in black sugar. Lid on and heat off, let it melt;

4.Put the flour in a mixing bowl, seasoned with 1tbsp of sugar, mix, then mix in milk little by little, mix till lumpy, then knead into a smooth and moist dough. Adjust with a little more or less milk;

5.Take a small knot of dough and roll to small ball, big toenail size is the right size. Press with index finger in the middle of the dango;

6.Bring a pot of water to boil, put in dango, cook till they float to top, then pour in a cup of cold water, also bring to boil, once again till dango is cooked through. Drain and transfer them in icy water;

7.I like to serve it with a little shaved ice or ice cubes.

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