Quick Stir-fried Chicken Wings with Black Bean Sauce


Published: April 4, 2020

Fermented black soybean/douchi is a common seasoning ingredient in many Chinese dishes, especially Cantonese, such as Steamed Pork Ribs with fermented black soybeans. This black seasoning ingredient can be obtained easily everywhere in most of the Chinese grocery stores, it tastes similar to soy sauce but with even richer flavour. Canned fermented black soybeans with Fried Carp is one of the most popular canned food for Cantonese. Usually people like to pair it with green chili pepper, such as Stir-fried Green Chili Pepper with fermented black soybeans.

This recipe is one of the most popular sample Cantonese home stir-fry. With the same seasoning ingredients, you could make stir-fried pork, beef, clams, fish fillet, squid, etc.

For more of my recipes with fermented black soybeans, read the following –
Stir-fried Chili Peppers with Fermented Black Soybeans
Braised Duck with Black Bean Sauce
Stir-fried Bitter Melon with Canned Fried Dace and Fermented Black Soybeans
Steamed Rice with Pork Ribs with Fermented Black Soybeans
Beef Chow Fun with Black Bean Sauce

Ingredients –

  • Chicken mid wings, 10
  • Green chili pepper, 1
  • Chinese celery, 1 small bunch. Also called leaf celery. This thin celery is with much richer celery flavour than usual type. You could obtain it in Chinese grocery stores. If unavailable, just replace it with spring onion
  • Thai red chili, 2
  • Garlic, 6 cloves
  • Fermented black soybeans, 1.5tbsp
  • Light soy sauce, 2tbsp
  • Sugar, 1tsp
  • Cantonese rice wine, 2tbsp. Or any Chinese cooking wine

How to do –
1. Garlic peeled; chilies roughly sliced; Chinese celery washed, cut into 2inches matchstick, keep the leaves;

2. Heat 2tbsp of oil in hot wok, in medium heat, pan-fried the chicken wings till golden, when flip to other sides, put in the garlic, pan-fry all together till golden and fragrant. In this way, the chicken wings would be almost cooked and would burnt;

3. Put in fermented black soybeans, red chili, soy sauce, sugar, rice wine, flip and stir well, lid on and cook in medium-high heat for 2 minutes;

4. Remove the lid, turn up to high heat, put in chili and Chinese celery, flip the wok and stir well in seconds, then serve right away, with steamed rice.


材料 –

  • 鸡翅中10个
  • 青尖椒1个
  • 唐芹1小把
  • 小红辣椒2粒
  • 蒜头5瓣
  • 豆豉5汤匙
  • 生抽2汤匙
  • 糖1茶匙
  • 广东米酒2汤匙

做法 –

  • 备料:蒜头去皮;辣椒切粒;唐芹切段;
  • 热锅放2汤匙油,油热放鸡翅,中火慢慢煎至两面金黄;翻面后放入蒜瓣一起煎香,用中火慢煎鸡肉能煎至八成熟且外皮不会焦;
  • 放入豆豉、红辣椒粒、生抽、糖、米酒,颠锅,盖上锅盖用中大火煮两分钟;
  • 开盖,转大火,放入青椒和唐芹, 颠锅翻炒均匀后即可出锅。

Quick Stir-fried Chicken Wings with Black Bean Sauce


Preparation time: 20mins
Serving: 2


chicken mid wings 10

green chili pepper 1

Chinese celery 1bunch

Thai red chili 2

garlic 6cloves

fermented black soybeans 1.5tbsp

light soy sauce 2tbsp

sugar 1tsp

Cantonese rice wine 2tbsp


1.Garlic peeled; chilies roughly sliced; Chinese celery washed, cut into 2inches matchstick, keep the leaves;

2.Heat 2tbsp of oil in hot wok, in medium heat, pan-fried the chicken wings till golden, when flip to other sides, put in the garlic, pan-fry all together till golden and fragrant. In this way, the chicken wings would be almost cooked and would burnt;

3.Put in fermented black soybeans, red chili, soy sauce, sugar, rice wine, flip and stir well, lid on and cook in medium-high heat for 2 minutes;

4.Remove the lid, turn up to high heat, put in chili and Chinese celery, flip the wok and stir well in seconds, then serve right away, with steamed rice.

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